Fundraising is an integral part of what we do as a PTA. We have a variety of programs and events dedicated to earning money for our school while providing value to our families. Keep reading to find out more about what fundraising options we have at Discovery!
Business Sponsors
Sponsors play a huge role in our fundraising. We look at our sponsors as partners in our community. We offer 4 different levels of annual sponsorships with different perks at each level:
– Diamond – $5,000
– Emerald – $2,500
– Citrine – $1,000
– Obsidian – $500
Sponsorship levels are available on a first come basis. Only one brand name will be permitted, so sign up early and secure your sponsorship today!
Become a sponsor today!
Dinosaur R.O.A.R.
The Dinosaur ROAR is PTA’s annual fundraising drive. ROAR stands for Raising funds for Opportunities, Activities, and Resources. It will be a simple envelope fundraiser over the course of 2 weeks – students will be sent home with an envelope (and hopefully an online platform options as well!) and asked to seek donations from family, friends, and neighbors to help support our school. The best part of this fundraiser is that 100% of the money goes directly to our PTA to support our community and school. (The only fees that *might* be deducted are minimal for credit card processing, but we want to be able to give our donors options!). Catalog sales like popcorn and wrapping paper leave people with items they don’t want, and take a BIG chunk of profit away from where donors intend it to be. Running our own fundraiser eliminates this!
Micro Fundraising
Have you registered your King Soopers loyalty card yet? It’s FREE to do, and this is one of our LARGEST micro fundraising options available! All you need to do is link your loyalty card to Discovery Magnet School PTA (search by name, or enter our unique code: BP568). King Soopers will donate to our organization every time you shop. It’s that simple! ANYONE can connect their loyalty card to our organization, so be sure to have your friends and family connect theirs as well!
Walmart Spark Good setup is in progress. Once complete, you’ll be able to select an option to “round up” your purchase, with the extra $ going to our organization.
We’re working on getting an account set up with BoxTops for Education for Discovery Magnet school. Stay tuned!